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Pixelscroll is our most popular site and also has the distinction of being the home to one of the most eclectic consumer communities in our entire network. Pixelscroll has made bestsellers out of every type of genre spanning from Romance to Chemistry Textbooks; from $3 iPad Stylus’ to $100 Bose Headphones. To date, with thousands of analytic documents at our disposal ‘Scrollers (the nickname for Pixelscroll’s consumer community) continue to defy the odds of probability and statistics. If ‘Scrollers like your eBook, you’ll usually do very well on your promotion–but if they don’t you may not sell so much as a single copy. Initially we found this inability to predict ‘Scrollers maddening, but over the years we’ve grown proud of it–they know what they like … and what they don’t. It is our second oldest community with a fair amount of founding community members still active.

Established in December of 2011 this multi-genre eBook, digital media and electronics site still stands as the flagship of the HotZippy network and is a must for anyone looking to promote their eBooks ranging from $9.99 or less for independent authors and $19.99 or less for New York Times or USA Today (brand name) bestselling authors.

About Pixelscroll

Welcome to Pixelscroll, a world of exciting digital and real-world media!

Pixelscroll’s mission is to bring our passion for finding fun and interesting media (eBooks, Apps & Games, Movies & TV, Music, Accessories and Gadgets) for our visitors to discover and enjoy–including FREE and deal-priced products as well as the latest new releases. Each day our site presents to you, our readers, visitors, fans and friends, a wide assortment of digital and real-world products you’re unlikely to find anywhere else and always with an eye toward the best pricing.

As a standard daily presentation our staff will post information about free, and bargain-priced Kindle Books as well as our Daily Deals and Pick of the Day. Our employees have a knack for finding products from well-known artists and creators to more obscure or brand-new content providers. Whenever there is a deal too good to resist, you can bet you’ll find it here on our highest ranking site.

Remember though–if you find an item you’re interested in, don’t wait until later to grab it. Many of our offers expire within 24 hours of the day they are presented.

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Founded in 2011, Pixelscroll has been serving near-to 50,000 followers each and every day (yes, we’re here on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day) for close to 5 years and will continue to work diligently into the future to stay true to our mission, of which YOU are an important part.

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Site Details

  • Established December 2011
  • Promotes All Genres
  • Promotes A Wide Assortment Of Digital Media

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